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Finally, Wikipedia must not take sides. Although Wikipedia content has been accessible through the since July 2013, The New York Times on February 9, 2014, quoted Erik Möller, deputy director of the Wikimedia Foundation, stating that the transition of internet traffic from desktops to mobile devices was significant and a cause for concern and worry. The most common and obvious types of vandalism include additions of obscenities and crude humor. Some language editions, such as the English Wikipedia, include non-free image files under doctrine, while the others have opted not to, in part because of the lack of fair use doctrines in their home countries e. Keen, Weekend Edition Saturday, June 16, 2007.

The site currently uses Lucene Search 2. Wikipedia publishes of its contents, but these are text-only; as of 2007 there was no dump available of Wikipedia's images. Sex practiced or performed in Tantra is what is taught by most teachers of this spiritual lifestyle. However, some vandalism takes much longer to repair. The Wikimedia Foundation hopes to increase the number of editors in the Global South to 37% by 2015. Maher has stated that one of her priorities would be the issue of editor harassment endemic to Wikipedia as identified by the Wikipedia board in December.
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With , the is the largest of the more than 290 Wikipedia encyclopedias. The Wikimedia Foundation is not a licensor of content, but merely a hosting service for the contributors and licensors of the Wikipedia. If we did, we would remove it. Already, the presidential entries are being edited, dissected and debated countless times each day. Archived from on April 14, 2003.
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The largest, the English Wikipedia, has over 5. By January 22, 2013, Wikipedia had migrated its primary data center to an facility in. The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. The International Symposium on Wikis. Directly after the posted web interview, the representatives stated that Wikimedia would be applying an all-inclusive approach to accommodate as many mobile access systems as possible in its efforts for expanding general mobile access, including BlackBerry and the Windows Phone system, making market share a secondary issue.
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Archived from on September 9, 2009. Arbitration Committee Main article: The Arbitration Committee presides over the ultimate dispute resolution process. This is one of my failures: a policy that I attempted to institute in Wikipedia's first year, but for which I did not muster adequate support, was the policy of respecting and deferring politely to experts. For Wikipedia's policy concerning censorship, see Wikipedia has been criticized for allowing information of graphic content. Learning to link with Wikipedia. Archived from on July 8, 2012. In April 2005, a extension was added to MediaWiki's built-in search and Wikipedia switched from to Lucene for searching.

How Wikipedia Works: And How You Can Be a Part of It. Viewers of the show tried to add the episode's mention of the page as a section of the actual Wikipedia article on negotiation, but this effort was prevented by other users on the article's talk page. Wales replied that he did not, although the perpetrator was eventually traced. In European conference on information retrieval pp. Wikipedia narratives about national histories i are skewed towards more recent events recency bias and ii are distributed unevenly across the continents with significant focus on the history of European countries Eurocentric bias.
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Though the English Wikipedia reached three million articles in August 2009, the growth of the edition, in terms of the numbers of new articles and of contributors, appears to have peaked around early 2007. Methods of access Because Wikipedia content is distributed under an open license, anyone can reuse or re-distribute it at no charge. In 2014, it received 8 billion pageviews every month. These moves encouraged Wales to announce that Wikipedia would not display advertisements, and to change Wikipedia's domain from wikipedia. Lam; Katherine Panciera; Loren Terveen; John Riedl November 4, 2007. There are German- and Spanish-language versions as well. Sometimes editors commit vandalism by removing content or entirely blanking a given page.

Since 2009, tens of thousands of books that reproduced English, German, Russian and French Wikipedia articles have been produced by the American company and by three subsidiaries of the German publisher. There is also an ongoing debate about the influence of Wikipedia on the biography publishing business. Subsequent collaborative websites have drawn inspiration from Wikipedia. Critics argue that Wikipedia's open nature and a lack of proper sources for most of the information makes it unreliable. Readership Wikipedia is extremely popular. For instance, on the English Wikipedia and some other language editions, only registered users may create a new article. Articulations of wikiwork: uncovering valued work in Wikipedia through barnstars.
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